Folks were starting to say "Me first!" to be the first one on the table in the fancy new massage room in Diana's healing center (at the end of the brand new peach-colored hallway). But looks like Cleo beat 'em to it. This is the rare and esoteric massage method known as "Elevator butt."
As the evening comes on, those chandeliers really start to showup. And look at our poinsettas!
Sarah Grafstrom draws for the raffle, with kidlet help. DonnaLynn Olson won the Christmas Douglas fir, donate by Home Depot, with ornaments from Cathy Hart. Matt Winter got the massage, and Texan Dean the chocolate basket. Proceeds of the raffle went to Messy Palletes and the New Hope Food Bank.
And finally, the Christmas Ghost appeared.
(Or does Donna's camera just have a really long lag time?)