Sunday, December 4, 2011

How to Draw a Mini

Because you know you want to (click for larger view):

Thursday, December 1, 2011

2012 Christmas Tree Raffle!

Hot hot hot!  That's what Sarah Grafstrom looks like adorned in raffle tickets for this stunning Christmas tree.
The 2012 Christmas Tree Raffle is upon us!  Just $1.00 will buy you a chance at the gorgeous Cowboy tree (with a cowboy had and stick horse and even brand-new work gloves!) or the stunning Bird Tree! Just how much shiny can you stand? This will do it.

Where:  Three Sisters of Clallam Art Gallery (you know - the GREEN BUILDING at the west end of Clallam Bay).

When:  The raffle is at 5:00, December 10, during the Christmas Bazaar.  

Tickets can be bought at the gallery, including at the December 3rd Christmas Bazaar.

You know you want one.  Besides, the funds will go to the New Hope Food Bank, and they really, REALLY need their front ramp rebuilt before somebody breaks a leg or Glen puts a pallet of canned good through the thing.